Career Fairs

How to Work a Career Fair

Career fairs are one of the best ways for students to meet prospective employers and ultimately land a job. But you can’t just roll out of bed and show up! Billy walks us through all the steps to make the career fair a success, from preparation to the follow ups!

Career Fairs

You should try to get the list of companies attending the Career Fair before the event?
When researching a company, which of these SHOULD you investigate?
It is sometimes acceptable to step away during the event itself to do some company research?
Which of the following WOULD BE a red flag for the recruiter?
Which one of these is NOT a good question to ask the company recruiter?
Which one of these is NOT one of the standard characteristics you will be evaluated on?
The night before the event, you SHOULD:
If you approach a booth and the company recruiter is speaking with another student, you SHOULD:
What are the things we recommend you bring to the Career Fair:
During the event you should take notes of conversations had, so that you CAN:

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